Insurance Is Something Most Black People Fail to Have!

One of the saddest things is when something detrimental happens to a person and they are left standing holding the bag with NO backup. This is what many people of color do when things get rough. Many of us as people of color are still living for the moment and because we are doing this, we are ruining our futures. However, because of unequal treatment, many people of color have never trusted the insurance industry. There are many black insurance companies and agents that can NOW be trusted. There is no reason why people of color should not invest in insurance.

In this day and age, it has NEVER been more important than it is now to plan for the future. The pandemic of 2020 alone has been a hard reminder as to why people of color need to plan for the future. Insurance is one of the ways that will help us with our planning. If you don’t think it’s important remember all the millions of people that died here in America during the pandemic with no insurance and nothing to bury their family members with. We don’t need a repeat of that and GoFundme pages are now like commercials we ignore. Having a plan in place can save your family from the hassle of leaving you on ice until they can bury you. 

However, life insurance isn’t the only insurance that should be considered. Did you know that having insurance can actually save you money? If you’re sick and you have insurance you don’t have to pay hundreds of dollars to see a doctor. If you have a car accident, you can save hundreds of dollars from incurring fines and having to pay for the person you hit. If you there is a house fire or bad storm, renter’s and home owner’s insurance will cover most of what you lost. So, insurance is a money saver in the end. If you want to cover yourself and your family insurance is one of the best ways to go.

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