Mo Money Musical

In a world where financial literacy and business development are being lost to the underprivileged community, we have come up with a way to bring this conversation to the community.

We created an actual performance that is based on financial literacy and business development that has been created to entertain while giving basic information to the community about money matters and business. It gives an impactful message on improving oneself and becoming more productive. With a Hip-Hop fast-paced flow, a core message, and young influencers, this musical performance uses comedy, music, dance, and call and response to help ignite the audience and peak interest.

It is also designed to help those who view it see that it is possible to have and be more as a community and give them simple solutions to how they can become financially and economically aware. It gives simple lessons that can be implemented immediately within the home, business, and community.

More information to come on the dates and times of the performances on the Gulf Coast.

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