The Agenda for Black People

In 2020, as America watched the unfair treatment of African Americans, many had compassion. However, there were far more who justified, made fun of, and even slandered the black community for wanting to have a voice. African American people were told their emotional pain was overkill due to the unfairness of this country.
We were told to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps and to just suck it up. However, that did not settle the problem, nor did it create peace. In fact, it did the opposite and instead of having compassion, we were confronted with being put back in our place with law and order.
Enough being enough, a few decided that we needed to do more than protest. We put skin in the game to promote change! The team understood that to create the change we need to use our time, talents, and treasures to deal with changing the laws of this land. Laws that enforce systemic racism, and unfair treatment, and strip African Americans of opportunities afforded to others.
Additionally, a focus on looking inward within African American communities to offer wealth-building tools, training programs, and community-driven group economic practices. This will help us to build family, community, and generational wealth within the black community. While fighting the systems that created the oppression, we also have to deal with the systemic problems that have been created due to poverty, the lack of education, and opportunity.
Our ultimate goal is to support Black Communities, improve lives, and practice group economics. There’s an old saying, “Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man how to fish, and he will never go hungry”. We envision prosperous Black fishing communities! We encourage our readers to get involved.
- Support local, state, and federal lobbyists to change laws that negatively affect Black communities and individuals.
- Support programs to educate the Black community on group economics, investments, generational wealth, and creating producer culture rather than consumer culture.
- Support education and training initiatives to increase Black businesses within Black communities.
- Support programs that promote the building of a complete Black family towards wholeness and wellness.